What's new? Biggest #EP update ever!

What's new? Biggest #EP update ever!

For over 6 months we've worked in our development lab on a very important update of the eventplanner platform. We are very excited to finally show you our new software!  


We geeks find innovative technology, speed, design and an excellent user experience very important. Therefore, we release new updates with improvements, bug fixes and new functionalities for our popular website eventplanner.tv every two weeks. But this update is different. Bigger. Better. For you!  


We would like to tell you what we've been cooking in our kitchen:  


Responsive, responsive & responsive

From now on, our website adapts to the device you are using. Whether it's a smartphone, tablet or computer you're surfing on, the responsive design makes it so that you can optimally use our content both mobile and in office.  


At the same time we've removed our apps from the Apple and Android app stores and have put our separate mobile website m.eventplanner.tv offline. Shortly after the launch of the iPhone 1, we introduced the first media app for the event sector in the world. These have become obsolete, now that our site is responsive.  


Design refresh

Dozens of design and user interface improvements have gone live with this release. But that's not the end of it. We've instructed our designers to refresh the design elements of our site. In the 2-weekly releases in the next few months, the design will be refreshed even further. Smart, elegant and high-quality.  


Fast. Way faster.

Our web servers serve more than 2,000,000 pages monthly. Articles, TV episodes, search queries, ... In order to process every request at light-speed, we invested in new hardware last year. Now we make another important advancement. Believe us, our sites were already really fast, but now they're fast as lightning. For the technicians: we have adopted a new CDN, our databases were tweaked, queries were rewritten, the underlying software was updated, templates were rebuilt and CSS & Javascripts were optimized. These are also things we keep optimizing in the next few weeks.  


We have also completely rewritten the search engine, using the latest technology. And you can tell! Searching, filtering, ... It all happens in a flash.  


Safety First

Furthermore, we have made countless small improvements. Another example are the security efforts, which are being expanded since the beginning of this year.  


Want to be a tester?

More than 6,000 lines of code were rewritten or added for this update. No matter how thoroughly we've tested everything, it cannot be excluded that there are minor imperfections to be found still. Are you encountering anything untoward? Do you spot a hiccup in the design on your specific device? Make a screenshot quick and email it to info@eventplanner.tv. We will deal with it straight away, in order to eliminate the remaining tiny bugs as well.


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