New Feature Event Software: Reuse Template Previous Event

New Feature Event Software: Reuse Template Previous Event

Since the launch of our event software a few months ago, we have received a lot of feature requests. Creating an event based on the template of a previous event was the most popular question. Et voila, that is now possible!

Suppose you organize an annual festival. Your scenario, checklist, budget, ... are all neatly in the software. You don't want to start from scratch on your next edition. And that is no longer necessary now that you can simply copy an event and reuse the template.

Smart Copy

When creating a new event you can now choose to create a completely new event OR start from a copy of a previous event. And that copy is not just a copy, but a smart copy: the platform recalculates all your dates, task deadlines and playbook items based on your new event date. In addition, you also choose which contacts you copy. For example, if you are organizing a wedding or a corporate event for a new customer, you want to copy the content, but not give your old customer access. The tasks of the contacts you don't take with you are automatically assigned to yourself.

Stay tuned: you can expect even more improvements and new features in the coming weeks and months.

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