"So far no evidence that outdoor events lead to corona infections"

"So far no evidence that outdoor events lead to corona infections"

There is so far no evidence that visitors to an outdoor event are likely to be infected with the corona virus. This is the conclusion of the Dutch Crisislab, a research institute in the field of security and crisis management. The institute supports the Chair of Governance of Safety at Radboud University in Nijmegen.

Getting infected at an indoor event is a real risk. But with additional measures such as good ventilation, that risk for a healthy visitor under 65 years of age is no greater than the risk of dying from 11 kilometers of motorcycling, 44 kilometers of cycling, 480 kilometers by car or a flight from Amsterdam to Bali, says the Dutch research center.

Crisislab has been unable to find an argument in more than 500 scientific publications from all over the world for the ban on major events. "We examined all reports up to mid-August at the request of concert organizer Mojo", says professor Ira Helsloot. "Mojo wanted to understand the corona issues surrounding events, so that they can take the right measures. Our findings are of course convenient for Mojo, but this is really what we have found in that huge pile of publications since March of this year."

"No basis"

According to Helsloot, no infections at outdoor events have been reported worldwide so far, except for one Chinese. Inside events are differently. "But in a large and well-ventilated event location that risk is smaller than, for example, in the restaurant industry, which is now accessible to everyone. I myself also thought that a ban on major events was a good measure, but now it appears that there is no basis for this at all."

Crisislab will incorporate new studies into corona infections in their report when they become available. "We hope that the government policymakers will take over from us afterwards. We believe it is important that every person can judge on which figures a reasonable safety policy is based", said the professor.


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