Best Event Awards go Worldwide

The European Best of Event awards are going worldwide. A quick catch-up with organizer Salvatore Sagone on why he's taking his awards across the globe.

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The European Best of Event awards are going worldwide. A quick catch-up with organizer Salvatore Sagone on why he's taking his awards across the globe.


Hi, Salvatore. Welcome in our studio. Last year we talked already about the BEAawards. But for our viewers who didn't see that episode last year, can you tell us in short what the awards are about?


Well, with these awards we want to award the best creativity in the world, I would say. Because from this year up to 11 editions, dedicated to the European market, we decided to open our borders to the whole world. Because we know that the competition is already global. So there is no sense to keep these awards inside Europe but what we can easily open to all over the world. Also, because many agencies have offices all around the world. So, I think that's to open the award to the best cases coming from United States, India, China, South Africa, whatever is good for the health of the industry. So that we can have a benchmark of what is the best creativity in terms of innovation and effectiveness around the world. But I would also add these important things. Opening to the whole world doesn't mean that only the big budget events would be awarded. What BEA is looking for, is the best creativity, the best innovation, the best ideas which can come also from small budget or low budget events. So, it's not really a matter of budget but it's a matter of creativity, innovation and effectiveness of the events.


If you look at the awards theme, there are also other awards that are going global. For example, the Eventex awards, also a European award.


Never heard. I don't know what you’re talking about.


But how do you see the difference? What are you doing differently than other competitions?


I mean, I would tell you what the difference is between BEA and all the other awards. Not only regarding events but also advertising. The most important thing is that the finalist agencies, can show to the jury, composed by clients. We are talking about 30, 40 among the most important clients that spend, invest money, in events. So they can show, live, their cases. This is unique in the worldwide scenario of the awards. And for this reason there will be a meeting between demand and offer. Between clients and agencies that can talk to each other. They can know each other better and maybe they can also make business. And this is characteristic, that is unique for BEAworld, in comparison with all the other awards existing. This is the real advantage to participate to the BEAaward and to come to Porto next November from 15th to 18th. Just to see how your competitors present their events. Who are they. And to meet, also, new clients. This is the unique sell proposition. As I like to say, and as you can see, the claim of BEAworld is the award where creativity meets business. Because with this formula you can meet new clients and also learn from other agencies, and so you can improve your business. This is the reason of the success that the award has received in the last 11 year.


What changed since last year is that it's now worldwide. Are there other things that have changed?


Yes. We have changed the voting system. It's more easy to understand. Because, as you probably know, we have a first online selection, and then there is the on-site voting Where the finalist agencies, our finalists, can present live to their clients. So we just made the process more easy. You can see the whole procedure on the website. There's a brand new website, It is on air from last week. So we just made the process more quick, if possible, but it was already more transparent and more easy to understand. And in the shortlist session, which is the online session, the jury will decide if the events are worthy to enter the shortlist or not. And the on-site session, they're deciding, just expressing a vote like zero. That means that the event will not have any chance to get any award. One is for bronze. Two is for silver and three is for gold. Or the BEA, the Grand Prix.


Are there any new categories?


No. The categories are almost the same. Cause last year we did very deep work to restructure the category system. The only news is that we keep a special award given to the best European creativity, European event. So we will award with the EUBEA, the event made in Europe that has got the highest score.


Okay. So you have an European and the world best event.


In the European zone is only one award.




Of course, for this first edition, we don't expect so many events coming from outside Europe. But, I mean, it's the first global edition, so we will see. We are confident that in the next year we will have many of them, of course. And then there is also the program, the content program. Which is very, I think, interesting that will convince people to come to Porto, which is a wonderful town. I don't know if your readers or your audience know, the town has been elected the best, the first tourist destination of Europe this year. So this is a good reason to come to Porto. We’re preparing a wonderful leisure program of activities. We will provide a lot of very good food for the delegates, which is very important, of course. And, of course, a great content program that will have a great engagement of the participants. Through workshop and one-to-one meetings with experts or with clients itself. And with lunches. Maybe in the very interactive way. It will be a nice surprise, I think.


A place to be if you are in the event industry.


That's it. That's it.


Okay, Salvatore, thank you very much for your time.


Thank you very much, Kevin. See you soon. Maybe next year.


And you at home, thank you for watching our show. I hope to see you next week.
