RSSSubscribe to our RSS5 Unique Venue Ideas to Fascinate Your Attendees
Your event venue is so much more than just a space to gather people. Apart from providing a safe and comfortable environment where your attendees can get together, interact, share ideas, and learn new things, your venue is part of the event experience.
How to Make Your Hybrid Event Attractive for Your Virtual Attendees
Events went digital, but that's not a reason to ditch physical gatherings. However, after experiencing the real power and outreach of online events, it will be impossible not to leverage this new approach.
How to Articulate a Well-Crafted Program for Your Online Event
Similar to in-person events, the program can make or break your online event. A successful program will engage a large audience, ensuring that nothing falls through the cracks.
From In-Person to Hybrid: How to Increase the Impact of Your Events
We didn’t expect that in 2020 and 2021, we’d have to reassess the way we plan and run events. Just a few months ago, we were writing down our yearly plan and focusing on...
How to Attract More Leads Using the Content from Your Events
As more companies and organizations are starting to experiment with online events, we’re discovering new ways of communicating and promoting our brands. And although we’ve been able to run virtual events for some time already...
How to Prepare for Running a Hybrid Event
In the upcoming months, you’ll see people talking about hybrid events more and more. And although it’s not a new concept, we’re only now starting to realize its real potential.
How to Avoid Online Event Fatigue
Connected for work. Connected for communication. Connected for entertainment. Connected for events. That’s how the world looked in 2020, and that’s probably it will look in 2021. Staring at the screens of our PCs, MacBooks, and smartphones has become the new normal.