RSSSubscribe to our RSS5 Mistakes to Avoid When Searching for International Event Suppliers
Think there's no greater hassle than planning an event? Try running an event abroad.
How to Ignite the Creative Spark of Your Event Team
You’re wrong to think that creativity is a minor skill your planning team only needs when it comes to finding venue decoration ideas or deciding on your event’s graphic identity.
How to Get Your Reluctant Attendees to Feel at Ease
You know and dread them. No matter how well you've designed the event experience, a few attendees will always give you that look: the one that lets you know that they are completely unsatisfied, miserable, ...
How to Attract More Attendees with Event Email Marketing
There's one question on everyone's mind: Is event marketing dead? Are email opening rates getting lower by the day? Is sending emails a good way to promote an event anymore?
Bankruptcy for Festival Tent Builder G3 Presents
The Amsterdam-based company G3 Presents, which supplies tents to thirty festivals in Europe including Rock Werchter, Pinkpop, Milkshake and Tomorrowland, is bankrupt.
Small Stage, Big Effect: 5 Tips
How do you manage to put a big stage in a small space - or at least ensure that it does not seem small? Think of the sets in TV studios.
11 Smart Questions to Ask your Tent Supplier
Renting a tent for your event is a fine idea, but it can bring a few challenges. Much depends on the expertise and the experience of your tent supplier, as well as the quality of the material.