RSSSubscribe to our RSSHow to Create Your First Chatbot for Your Event Website
You see them pop up sometimes on websites: That chat window, prompting you into write down your question or start a conversation. The only thing is that by entering your request in the chat box, you won’t get an answer from a human being; you’ll be talking to an algorithm instead.
ISE MD Mike Blackman on the show's widening appeal
Mike Blackman, Managing Director of Integrated Systems Events, talks about ISE 2020, and why the show has become the 'must attend' event for AV industry professionals.
How to Hire the Best Event Planning Agency
Event marketing is booming. More and more companies plan events to increase brand awareness, attract more leads, close a higher number of deals, strengthen their customer loyalty, and acquire more brand ambassadors.
How to Organise Your First Festival
One more year has passed and the 2019 edition of the 'Burning Man' festival has ended, leaving behind ecstatic attendees and multiple images that look like they were taken from a different world.
How to Run Meaningful Events for Younger Generations
With Millennials entering the workforce and Gen Z slated to make up forty percent of the working population by 2020, the entire events industry is changing based on the expectations of these younger generations.
How to Develop a Signature Event
A signature event is the platform a brand will use to increase awareness, engage sponsors and community leaders, or raise funds for a cause. This type of event is frequently encountered in the nonprofit industry.
What Goals Can You Achieve with Event Marketing?
Let me ask you a quick question: Do you know what event marketing is? "Of course", I hear you saying. "It’s the effort I’m putting into promoting my conference or seminar." Your answer is logical. However, it’s not quite right.