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For over 12 years, eventplanner.tv has brought you fresh, insightful episodes, making it the go-to platform for event industry professionals. In 2024, our videos continued to top the charts.
5 Mistakes You'll Make When You Create an Event Website
Event planners have a misconstrued idea about what an event webpage should look like. Many believe that creating a webpage is merely publishing event information.
How to run a fireside chat that everybody will enjoy
What’s the difference between listening to a great entrepreneur’s keynote speech and having a face-to-face conversation with the same person?
14 million join virtual concert on Fortnite: What this means for the future of events
Fortnite has once again redefined the limits of virtual events, setting a new benchmark with its 'Remix: The Finale' virtual concert. Held on November 30, 2024, this groundbreaking event attracted 14.3 million concurrent players, breaking Fortnite's in-game concert records.
Best Event Planning Tools & Software: Your Ultimate Guide
Equip yourself with the finest event management software of 2024 to streamline every aspect of your events, from initiation to execution. Navigating the complexities of event management is demanding, requiring precise coordination and detail management.
The ultimate guide to event venue sourcing for event planners
Finding the perfect event venue for your event, conference, or meeting is one of the most crucial decisions you’ll make as an event planner.
Cybersecurity in the event industry: Are we ready for the storm?
Cyberattacks are no longer a distant threat confined to tech giants or multinational corporations. According to Microsoft's 2024 Digital Defense Report, the company detects over 600 million cyberattacks daily.