RSSSubscribe to our RSSWeb based simultaneous interpretation
Until now all delegates, interpreters and presenters had to travel to the same location for a conference. Well not any longer. Whales On Waves launches a new web based simultaneous interpretation service.
Crackdown on Unsafe LED Screens in the Event Industry - EMC standards
The Italian Finance Guard (Guardia di Finanza) has had it with cheap LED walls that do not meet European EMC standards, and a crackdown has been launched in Italian stadiums.
6 Tips to Make Your Online Participants Feel Welcome in a Hybrid Event
The web is full of blog posts and articles about hybrid events. And they have one aspect in common, which I, personally, find really disturbing: they draw a sharp red line between 'live' attendees and 'virtual' attendees.
Flawless Planning with Event Software
A 7% margin of error. This is what you should keep in mind when organizing an event. That is to say, unless you can rely on specialized event planning software.
Survey Reveals Event Organisers' Ticketing Preferences Across Europe
In an extensive survey of over 600 event organisers, ticketscript, has found that event organisers' priorities and focus when choosing a ticketing provider have fundamentally changed.
Stop Using Twitter for Your Event
Twitter is becoming increasingly popular. But the more people use the social network, the more it loses its original power.
10 Ways to Gain Time
Ten successful entrepreneurs all give their two cents on gaining time and increasing your productivity. These are absolute musts for event planners who have one of the most stressful jobs in the world.