Marketing tips for event venues and event suppliers
RSSSubscribe to our RSS awards winners! Discover the best event companies of 2023
It's that time of year again! For the eighth time in a row, puts the best event venues and suppliers in the spotlight. They have worked hard and deserve to be celebrated with our official 'Certificate of Excellence'!

Meet your Social Media Powerhouse
In the rapidly evolving events world, it is essential to remain visible and active on social media. But what if you don't have the time or expertise to tackle this consistently?

Triple Feature Release: Next-Level Event Planning
In our relentless pursuit of enhancing event management for our diverse community, we're delighted to announce a trio of new features went live on our platform in the last week.

How Kinepolis Business Integrates the Review API for Better Conversion
Kinepolis, the largest cinema operator in Europe, attaches great importance to online reviews and has successfully integrated the review API into their conversion strategy.

Harnessing AI and ChatGPT: The Future of Event Planning
In the midst of the digital revolution, there are few industries untouched by the transformative power of artificial intelligence (AI). One such beneficiary is the field of event planning, where AI-driven technologies like OpenAI's Chatbot model, ChatGPT, are not only streamlining operations but also enhancing the quality of events.

New: Secure Your Account with 2FA ?
At, the security of your data is our top priority! Better account protection is necessary in today's digital landscape. That's why we're pleased to announce...

Email Marketing Solved: 6 Strategy Tips for Event Planners
Email marketing, when done correctly, has been and continues to be a powerful tool for event planners. You can reach a wide audience with it as well as build personal connections.