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RSSSubscribe to our RSSHow to Set Up a Stress-Free Timeline for Your Next Event
Does this sound familiar? Everything around you seems to be collapsing, and you don't know what to do next. You need to make multiple phone calls and answer urgent emails at the same time.
How to Kill Your Event Marketing Plan (and How to Avoid it)
You may hate it, yet you can't ignore it: marketing is the key factor in guaranteeing a higher attendance rate. Powerful marketing campaigns are crucial.
How to Generate Revenue from Your Next Event
There's no shortage of reasons why we plan events. From promoting a brand to gathering likeminded people. But one objective seems to prevail: how can we generate more revenue from our events?
5 Harmful Myths We Believe About Event Professionals
It's impossible to ignore the avalanche of articles out there that describe the qualities a successful event professional must have. As a planner, you must skillfully manage stress and push the boundaries of creativity. You also must learn how to improvise and deliver flawless experiences...
How to Be Creative When the Event is Falling Apart
Have you ever been in either of these situations? Twenty-four hours before your event starts, you discover that there's an air controllers' strike and the speakers can't get to your event. Or, you realize that the band failed to appear.
How to Gamify the Learning Experience of Your Attendees
Apart from networking and changing the environment, people attend events to gain knowledge and learn new things. But the typical classroom event format (with the speaker talking and the audience taking notes) doesn't seem to work anymore.
The Best Events of the World! - Bea World 2017
The winner of the Best Event Awards is a creative and unconventional event from The Netherlands, while the Iconic Event Award goes to Filmmaster Events & SRCOM (Italy) for the Rio 2016 Opening Ceremony.