5 Light And Sound Tips For Events - Make Sure No One Misses Anything

5 Light And Sound Tips For Events - Make Sure No One Misses Anything

There are so many points to consider when planning an event, from flowers and decorations to catering and guest lists. One of the most important parts to pay attention to is the audio-visual aspect.

How to Cut Expenses for Your Next Event

How to Cut Expenses for Your Next Event

When it comes to cutting planning expenses, there are two types of event professionals: the 'resourceful' ones and the smart ones.

Bea World 2017: the shortlist has been announced

Bea World 2017: the shortlist has been announced

133 shortlisted entries, out of 296 total submissions from 27 countries, will compete.

Sabotage your Event with a Bad Registration Form

Sabotage your Event with a Bad Registration Form

There's nothing worse for an attendee than staring at a huge and complicated event registration form and not know where to start. An online registration form that you, as an event manager, approved for publishing.

Understanding the Importance of Delegate Management

Understanding the Importance of Delegate Management

Correctly handing delegates experience is crucial to the success of an event. Handling vast amounts of delegate information can be both time consuming and difficult for event organisers. Thankfully, a solution exists.

What is the Emotional Value of Your Event?

What is the Emotional Value of Your Event?

Whenever we're about to measure the ROI of our events, we always tend to rely on data such as how many tickets were sold or how many times the event hashtag was used on social media.

How to Enhance the Quality of Your Event with Experiential Marketing

How to Enhance the Quality of Your Event with Experiential Marketing

What's the difference between running an average and a high-quality one? What exactly levels up the quality of an event? Is it the venue? The program structure? The catering?