TOP 30 Event Organizers and Agencies 2019

TOP 30 Event Organizers and Agencies 2019

Eventex Awards have just released their annual All-Stars Index featuring the top event organizers and agencies from around the world. The ranking includes 30 companies and organizations that excelled the most in the past three years.

10th Anniversary Edition of Global Eventex Awards

10th Anniversary Edition of Global Eventex Awards

The 10th anniversary edition of the Global Eventex Awards, the benchmark in the event industry, is now officially open for registrations.

The Logistics of a Live Event

The Logistics of a Live Event

Putting on a festival or event is like creating a small town, with the associated infrastructure - food, housing, sanitation and entertainment. But festivals are often held where there are no streets, no addresses and no postcodes. That’s where One Plan’s integration with what3wordsfits in.

Why Having a Good Maintenance Matters at Events

Why Having a Good Maintenance Matters at Events

People may not remember the awesome speakers from your event, or the incredible food. They might also forget all about the video transitions between dynamics and the ice-breaking games.

How to Design a Strong Visual Identity for Your Event

How to Design a Strong Visual Identity for Your Event

"An event logo is enough. We don't want to waste time on trivial things." Does this sound familiar to you? Well, congratulations then, you have found the most efficient way to ruin your event!

5 Reasons Why Gamification is Not the Best Option

5 Reasons Why Gamification is Not the Best Option

"I should definitely gamify my event!" You've probably had this thought if you've read a lot of articles about the benefits of gamification. What else if not gamification can help you increase attendee engagement and provide an enjoyable event experience?

How to Design a Creative Event Concept

How to Design a Creative Event Concept

What makes an event remarkable? Is it the caliber of the speakers? The food you serve? Or perhaps, it’s the brand experience it provides?