Discover Amsterdam the creative way

Discover Amsterdam the creative way

Discover Amsterdam and the Netherlands in a way like no other, with Elisabeth's Tailor Made Tours!

ID&T is now 100% owned by SFX Entertainment

ID&T is now 100% owned by SFX Entertainment

ID&T, the largest organizer of dance events in the Netherlands is now 100% American owned. This was announced by founder Duncan Stutterheim at the Amsterdam Dance Event (ADE).

What if... no one wants to come to your event?

What if... no one wants to come to your event?

Have you ever attended an event where you thought, "Oh, I wish I was somewhere else." Or perhaps the other way around: an event that you really looked forward to?

12 Innovative TIPS to Attract More People to Your Trade Booth

12 Innovative TIPS to Attract More People to Your Trade Booth

How do you attract visitors to your booth? Exhibition organizers usually lay the responsibility for this at the door of the exhibitors themselves. But what if the exhibitors are dissatisfied with the results and don’t participate next time?

Are you Making the Most of Small Event Spaces?

Are you Making the Most of Small Event Spaces?

Small event locations are easy to find. But what should you look out for when choosing a small space - and how can you make the best use of it?

8 Tech Tools for Better Live Events

8 Tech Tools for Better Live Events

Social media, mobile apps and video conferencing are making it increasingly easier to attend events remotely. Nevertheless, nothing beats attending one live. Even then, new technologies are playing a practical role.

Column: Marketers are Killing Social Media - Please Stop!

Column: Marketers are Killing Social Media - Please Stop!

Social media is not a marketing tool. Unfortunately, many marketers and sellers are damaging this wonderful new communication technology with their Facebook ads, Promotional Tweets and unsolicited LinkedIn invitations.