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RSSSubscribe to our RSSThe Power of Networking? Relax and smile!
Networking at events: it seems like an obligation. And that's where you have a problem right there. If the aim is to score as many business cards as you can, and frantically introduce yourself to as many people as possible, you're actually doing it wrong.
Just Ask: What can your Event Venue do for Sustainability?
Most planners have some key components in every RFP: available rooms, available meeting space, F&B requirements, A/V and technology needs, and more. Why not ask about a venue's or hotel's sustainability performance?
Bring Innovation Back to Your Events
Have you ever attended a conference or trade show that was the same year after year? These events are in the same location, presenting the same content, with the same design - boring.
The Green Team: 11 Sustainable Measures for Each Event
Excited about the 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil? GMIC has caught World Cup fever too! They're fielding their own Green Squad of Sustainability All-Stars, each of whom represents a low cast, easily achievable best practices for sustainable meetings.
4 Incredibly Easy Ways to Use Social Media to Boost Events
With the right strategy and tools in place, event organisers can harness social media to attract more attendees, cultivate engagement and extend the lifetime value of their events.
Smart Hotel Bookings Can Save Hundreds of Euros
You can easily save hundreds of euros on hotel bookings - according to research done by the ANWB.
TOP 20 International Congress Destinations
ICCA released it's yearly TOP 20 rankings for countries and cities as destinations for congresses. Paris is the new number one for association events.