Never Lose Your Friends Again on Events

Never Lose Your Friends Again on Events

An overloaded club, tightly packed festival grounds or popular concert? It's not easy to find your friends there. Luckily, the Lookfor app is here to help.

10 Crucial Networking Mistakes

10 Crucial Networking Mistakes

Knowing the right people is important. Events are the ideal place to make those contacts. Sadly, not everyone has the same knack for making these kinds of social contacts. These are the 10 crucial mistakes people make in professional networking.

Event Manager Drops in the TOP 10 Ranking Most Stressful Jobs 2015

Event Manager Drops in the TOP 10 Ranking Most Stressful Jobs 2015

Last year, we event planners were still in the TOP 5 of the most stressful jobs in the world. This year, police officers, actors, TV- and radio presenters beat us to it. Still, the event coordinator remains in the TOP 10.

Stunning Event Facts Super Bowl XLIX

Stunning Event Facts Super Bowl XLIX

With a stunning 118,5 million viewers, the 'halftime' of the American Super Bowl is the best viewed concert in the world. Not only the acts are impressive, but the event logistics behind it all are amazing as well. View the time lapse!

What the Heck is SMMP?

What the Heck is SMMP?

One of the hottest and most talked about trends in the industry today is SMMP. However, what exactly is SMMP? Do you know how to use it? What it can do to increase your event’s efficiency?

Start-Up: Bizzabo

Start-Up: Bizzabo

The network platform Bizzabo is the ideal way to share information with your participants. You create your own event community in which you create and use interaction with your participants.

Column: When NOT to Schedule Your Event?

Column: When NOT to Schedule Your Event?

One of the first steps when planning an event is deciding when it will actually take place. A step that is pretty often wrongly underestimated, however, quite important for the success of your event.