Toesj! - historische evenementen

- Nieuwstraat 23, 1570 Galmaarden, Belgium
The splendor of knights. The joust, Burgundian buffets, music and dance. We specialize in organizing historical events, medieval festival, knight weekend, team building and buffets is deep in our genes. The memorial of a battle, the reenactment of local history. We relieve you of the organization so that you can fully enjoy yourself. Through medieval shows, demos, acts, entertainment for young and old with crafts and markets, we let the visitor become part of their history. High experience value and quality is what we stand for. Visitors never forget how you made them feel.
An event with vikings, romans, 80-year war ... no problem. Together we discuss your idea and make it a top event.
Medieval materials needed, furniture, costumes or weapons. Even figuration, fire shows, knights, ... We already have a lot of metarial. Let us know what you need, we have it in our warehouses.
3 reviews on Toesj! - historische evenementen - 9.3/10
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Taranartos, merchant in medieval drinks.
Wonderful collaboration with Tom: Toesj!. Not only is his vision grandiose and flexible about organizing or setting up an event, it is also in line with Taranartos' vision. We will always be happy to continue working with him, and look forward to further deepening our ties in the future. Keep up the spirit Tom, we'll see each other again soon!

Knight spectacle Arcen
The Knight Spectacle in Arcen is an annual event that attracts many visitors. Because we ourselves have little understanding of these kinds of historical events, we have called in Toesj's help!
We really liked this in 2018, Toesj! thinks along well and also thinks about what the client asks, comes up with fun and creative ideas and takes all the work off your hands. As a result, we were able to organize a great event in 2018. This year too, a great edition of the Knight's Spectacle would take place during the Easter weekend, but for the reason that is known to everyone this unfortunately did not take place. Tush! also shows that he is very flexible when changes take place. We therefore hope that the event that was planned for 2019 will be carried out in 2020 and we are already looking forward to the pleasant cooperation with Toesj!
Characteristics Toesj! - historische evenementen
- Type of tent
circus tent
Numerous events with Tush.
We have been working with Toesj for years at the events where we are asked for our medieval horse pageant, including jousting. The cooperation with Toesj has always gone well, and time after time, better and better because we know each other's expectations and objectives.
We would therefore like to highly recommend Toesj to all people and organizers who would plan a medieval or related event. Tom is experienced and will carry out as much as possible according to your wishes.
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nlTal van evenementen met Toesj.
Wij werken al jaren samen met Toesj op de evenementen waar we gevraagd worden voor ons middeleeuws paardenspectakel, waaronder het steekspel. De samenwerking met Toesj is altijd al goed verlopen, en keer na keer, steeds beter en beter omdat we elkaars verwachtingen en doelstellingen kennen.
Wij raden Toesj dan ook graag ten zeerste aan bij alle mensen en organisatoren die een middeleeuws of gerelateerd evenement zouden plannen. Tom is ervaren, en zal zoveel mogelijk naar jullie wensen uitvoeren.