S4Events bv

S4Events bv

S4Events bv
  • Oosterhoutlaan 3a, 2012 RA Haarlem, Netherlands

S4: The fresh wind through your event. S4Events is the refreshing event agency. We can't wait to share our original ideas with you. A new and innovative organization agency, but with a wealth of experience and references. Call us for a fresh idea! The importance of events in business and society is increasing. Events are an increasingly serious part of the marketing communication mix. We take care of the total organization of your experience: relevant communication that you must experience. This can be done through parties, business meetings, digital (social) media, guerilla marketing (flash mobs), etc. Our starting point is the core of your message and the essence of your organization, your guests or brand. We clearly map out your target group and objective. After all, we want to respond to the 'feeling' of your guests. S4Events offers the following 4 services: Events: You are going to organize an event. That is why you are looking for a full service event agency that takes over all worries. Pitch Aid: You are going to put out a tender or pitch for an event. Requesting quotes is done quickly, but now what? Free-lance: You have an event organization and you are looking for reinforcement on a project basis. S4 Productions: Our own B2B or public events.

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S4Events bv
Events safer than shops? Yes we can!
2 October 2020

S4Events bv launches Koortsvrij.nl The WHO reports that 89.9% of corona-infected people have a fever. By measuring the temperature with a thermal camera at the access control, those present are significantly safer. It is possible that a guest at an event does not feel ill and therefore passes the triage without any worries. A thermal imaging camera will identify this ...

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EVENTPLANNER - Kevin Van der Straeten Buy now!

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Activities S4Events bv

Activity regions:
Gelderland | Groningen | Noord-Holland | Utrecht | Zuid-Holland | Netherlands
Event Agencies | Product Launches | Organization of conferences and seminars