Future of Events

  • Vijverhof 11, 9050 Gentbrugge, Belgium

In the past decade, the event sector has been seriously disrupted by numerous causes. The coronavirus is the most recent example of this, but events were also the target of terrorism not so long ago and the climate already caused events that either fell into the water or could use some cooling. The sector itself could not avoid this, nor will we ever be able to, but with Future of Events we are looking for solutions that can make events more resilient to the external risks and threats to which the sector is subject. We want to create a middle ground between 'letting go' and 'cancelling everything'.

Future of Events is a think tank whose different solutions we develop will be brought under underlying brands. The first project of Future of Events will be Habitat. With this we are taking a first step towards a new event model. We believe less and less that bringing huge crowds together is of this time. Despite the fact that the sector is taking many initiatives to organize more sustainably, we seem to overlook the fact that allowing so many people to move will always increase the ecological footprint. It poses various safety and mobility risks without providing real added value and we also increasingly miss the connection with our local community.

But, of course we still want the unique experience of a renowned event, presented by an experienced organizer with the necessary expertise. That is why Habitat focuses on "cluster events ": an event concept that is marketed on a large scale, but is organized through local editions and in collaboration with local players, adapted to the moment at which and with whom it is experienced. To do this, we are building on our current portfolio, in particular CINEMAS . Soon it will therefore be possible to experience the CINEMA experience, not only as a (local) public event, but also as a staff activity or team day for companies and as a garden or neighborhood party for individuals.

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Activities Future of Events

Activity regions:
Antwerpen | Oost-Vlaanderen | West-Vlaanderen | Zeeland | Belgium | Netherlands
Ticketing and Event Registration | Event Agencies | Private Parties Organization