Engels Group from Antwerp becomes Belux distributor of the Luxibel UV-C disinfection systems. Jan Engels, CEO of the Engels Group and Glenn Roggeman, CEO of the AED Group, signed an official distribution agreement for the distribution of the UV-C range developed by AED group. THERMO BEL, added as a new division to the Engels Group since March 2020, aims to bring technology to the market that meets the growing need of healthcare for effective measures against the increasing health risks of antibiotic resistant microorganisms, including viruses. , bacteria and fungi. THERMO BEL will distribute the range of UV-C disinfection nationally in an organized manner through the extensive network of wholesalers. UV-C disinfection systems work in 3 ways. The most common devices that disinfect the ambient air 24/7 in a closed housing in a harmless way for humans and animals. Devices with direct UV-C radiation work in a closed room where people are not present and can only be switched on via a certain protocol with three-step safety control. Finally, there are the hybrid versions that combine both principles of direct and indirect light. Glenn Roggeman, CEO of the AED Group, has previously announced this extensively in the (inter) national press. Its distribution is now at full speed worldwide: new products will soon be additionally launched for domestic and industrial use as well as for large-scale applications. THERMO BEL therefore sees the application of this UV-C technology very widely. Virus-free installations are possible in office and meeting rooms, waiting rooms, doctor's practices, supermarkets, reception areas, catering establishments, retail, petrol stations, equipped areas to disinfect materials or clothing, sports and culture centers, classrooms, and so on. LUXIBEL works with high-quality Philips UV-C lamps. The UV-C light can neutralize up to 99.9% of all types of recurring viruses (such as influenza), bacteria, dust mites, fungi and other micro-organisms and as such make them harmless. The devices also do not generate ozone and are only dangerous if used incorrectly and improperly. That is why THERMO BEL makes a top priority of safety, both towards installation and towards 100% safe for the consumer to use. THERMO BEL wants to place extra emphasis on the fact that such equipment should only be installed by a professional and recognized network of installers, in close cooperation with its wholesalers. These “CERTIFIED INSTALLERS” therefore only receive their label after an internal training from THERMO BEL-LUXIBEL. The LUXIBEL-UV-C range is immediately available from August 2020 at THERMO BEL.