Cor Spronk, DGA mentor & Spreker
Corona week 10 | We get some air again |
Cor Spronk, DGA mentor & Spreker|
20 May 2020

We get some air again and we can do a little more. What will it be like when we sit on a terrace again. Close to your housemates, but everyone else at a distance of 1.5 meters. Watt a cleans up. What will that mean on the beach. Never step over someone again because they light too close .... What does it mean for your company if everyone comes back to work. Will it be business as usual again? Whatever I had to think about, yes get some air, the holiday pay has to be paid next week. Can you actually afford that as an entrepreneur? Do you have that financial space? Maybe the emergency aid was enough, maybe you need more help, also from other entrepreneurs. If you want to talk about this, know where to find me. #wekgetweerwatlucht #DGAondernemer #RegelingenDGAondernemer #visionair #corspronk #speaker #dgamentor #ondernemer #auteur # devivelsedilemmas #webinarhost #webinarpresentator #webinararchitect #entrepreneurship #entrepreneurship #event #events #eventmanagement #eurbusinessbowner

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