Cor Spronk, DGA mentor & Spreker
Corona week 9 | What does our future look like
Cor Spronk, DGA mentor & Spreker|
13 May 2020

You might want to know that. If you could plan the future, what would you like it to look like? Should it look like it used to? From the real past or from just before the Corona crisis? I am not a trend watcher, but who can predict it now? Have you already started to (continue) start your company? Are you going to write the future with me? Let's take it with good courage. React? Mail to cor @ corspronk. en #hoezietdetoekomsteruit #visionair #corspronk #spreker #dgamentor #ondernemer #auteur # devilish dilemma #webinarhost #webinarpresentator #webinararchitect #ondernemen #ondernemerschap #event events agenda #eventmanagement #businessowner #entrepreneurlife #businessadvice #businessstrategy

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