We Are Live
We Are Live from Amsterdam provides the worldwide livestream of 80 years of D-Day in Normandy
We Are Live|
6 June 2024

Amsterdam, June 6, 2024 – We Are Live, an Amsterdam producer of digital and hybrid events, was given the honorable assignment this year to provide the worldwide livestream of the commemoration of 80 years of D-Day in Normandy. This event marks the 80th anniversary of the liberation that took place on June 6, 1944 – a historic moment that marked the end of the German occupation in WWII.

The commemoration, which only takes place every five years, was attended by approximately 12,500 people this year and was followed by hundreds of thousands of viewers worldwide. One of the most moving aspects of this event was the presence of a large group of veterans, approximately 200 in total, who are now between 95 and 104 years old. It is probably the last time that such a large group of veterans could be present, which makes this commemoration extra special.

The ceremony will take place at the Normandy American Cemetery and Memorial, the American military cemetery in Normandy. The livestream was commissioned by the American Battle Monuments Commission (ABMC). This year, both President Biden and President Macron attended the commemoration.

Thomas Mulder, partner at WAL and Executive Producer of this production: “The fact that as a company you not only receive approval from the federal government, but can also bear responsibility for the entire show feels like an enormous vote of confidence”.

“The location is remote and covers a large area, which poses a number of technical challenges,” says Mulder. “In addition, there are many parties with whom we have to interact, ranging from the White House, Secret Service and the American Ministry of Defense, to international media parties and AV parties for light and sound. This makes the event large and complex, and therefore interesting for us.”

The We Are Live team provided the World feeds for major broadcasters such as ABC, CBS, CNN, FOX, NBC, Reuters, AP and TF1, making the event accessible worldwide to millions of people who want to follow the historic commemoration. In addition to the world feeds, the We Are Live team was responsible for the show calling and screen direction for this special event.

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Fleur Oude Voshaar
New |We Are Live | 7 June 2024

Mooi werk!

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