A decision has been made!
15 April 2024

On March 22, 2024, a decision was literally made at Avenature by the mayor of Vielsalm. This opened access to our new Altitude Course climbing forest at the Baraque de Fraiture ski slope.

And also symbolized the start of a season of collaboration between Avenature, La Station and Ski Action to realize an attractive range of activities at this historic location 4 seasons a year for everyone who visits the Belgian province of Luxembourg, or passes through the Route du Soleil.

The denominator "Baraque" in the Ardennes originally means "Inn". They were "hangouts" along the stagecoach routes. The horses could be harnessed there, the coachman and any passengers relaxed there with food and sleep.

In the past, these posts were of great importance for communication, and therefore connection, with many regions within Europe.

How nice that we are now in such a location.

Everyone who passes can relax with various activities and catering options.

The modern (mail) carriage can "rest" at the charging center nearby.

And communication/connection in today's world... Nowadays this often happens by reporting news and experiences along the digital highway. But when it comes to Avenature, we are now in a place where connection was achieved even before the time of the digital world.

And connecting, finding a connection, real communication, with both our guests and our partners, that is what gives us satisfaction.

We are in our place.

Thanks to our customers and our partners.

Team Adventure

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