Back In The Pines

Back In The Pines

Back In The Pines
  • 62101 South County Road 4680, Watts, OK 74964, USA

A brand new, huge event facility with a preserved rustic barn built literally inside the lodge, which makes for the perfect country style wedding and party venue for indoor and outdoor events. 

Our center is situated within the secluded beautiful landscapes in northeast Oklahoma near Tahlequah, Oklahoma and in northwest Arkansas near Siloam Springs.


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EVENTPLANNER - Kevin Van der Straeten Buy now!

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Characteristics Back In The Pines

Number of people

300 - 300 


parking - free 


green space (e.g. a forest) 

Catering venue

in-house catering 

Activities Back In The Pines

Activity regions:
USA | Oklahoma
Event Venues Rental | Wedding Venues
wedding venue | event center | barn style wedding venue