

  • Vlietestraat 135A, 8531 Hulste, Belgium

We are your partner specialized in providing advice on welfare, prevention and security . We pride ourselves on thinking along with you and your team.

With practical advice and concrete support from experienced consultants, we make a constant balancing act between all legal, technical and economic aspects, as well as your corporate culture and social interactors. In addition, we have been recognized by the Ministry of the Interior for providing security advice since 2010.

Do you have any of the (safety) questions below about your event ?:

  • How do I guarantee the safety of my (VIP) guests and staff at my event?
  • How do I choose a location that complies with applicable safety legislation or how can I practically adapt my location to the standards?
  • How do I make the right contacts with the government (fire brigade, police, Fod Waso, ...)
  • How do I guarantee the food safety of the catering?
  • How do I guide VIPs?
  • ...

We take care of security at your event from A to Z.
Thanks to our many years of experience in this domain, we can help you practically and discreetly before, during and after your event.

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EVENTPLANNER - Kevin Van der Straeten Buy now!

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Een evenement of teambuilding is niet zomaar een opdracht. Er zit een verhaal achter, er zitten mensen achter, ... Ieder van hen met eigen verwachtingen, wensen, noden,...

Rene Pouwelse Advies Regie Productie

Mijn naam is Rene Pouwelse. Ik ben eventprofessional. Daarbij adviseer ik op het gebied van creativiteit, operationele uitvoering en budget.


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Activities SasConsult

Activity regions:
Antwerpen | Oost-Vlaanderen | West-Vlaanderen | Limburg | Henegouwen | Belgium
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