ViNotion bv

ViNotion bv

ViNotion bv
  • Daalakkersweg 2-58, 5641 JA Eindhoven, Netherlands

Welcome to ViNotion

ViNotion is a specialist in the field of automated image analysis by using the innovative machine learning and deep learning techniques . ViNotion was created 12 years ago as a "spin-off" from Eindhoven University of Technology (TU / e).

With machine learning and deep learning , ViNotion realizes software solutions that automatically and real-time detect and classify people and traffic with a camera. ViNotion is able to teach and model different objects using sample photos or video. With these techniques and algorithms, ViNotion builds smart observation systems that mainly focus on the following applications:

1. analysis of pedestrians and bicycles; with the ViSense CrowdDynamics label;

2. analysis of vehicles; with the ViSense TrafficDynamics label;

3. mobility analyzes and consultancy; with the ViSense MobilityDynamics label;

4. waterway management and analyzes; with the ViSense MaritimeDynamics label.

Our software solutions generate data from images, which makes steering possible. ViNotion can provide insights into the dynamics of traffic. Think of, among other things; numbers, speed, displacement paths, GPS positions, density, congestion, and much more!

Would you like to experience our measuring method? Which can; call for the placement of a temporary measuring point at promotional rate!

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EVENTPLANNER - Kevin Van der Straeten Buy now!

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Activities ViNotion bv

Activity regions:
Limburg | Noord-Brabant | Noord-Holland | Utrecht | Zuid-Holland | Netherlands
Event Security | Traffic and Crowd Control