Andes Chocolatier

  • Rijksweg 39, 2870 Puurs, Belgium

A (personalized) promotional gift in chocolate may meet the requirements you place on a successful gift. It is appreciated by almost everyone, is without a doubt original and you link your name and reputation to a quality product with international fame.

Andes Chocolatier can help you, with a wide range of corporate gifts:

  • Pralines: with or without personalization, in small packages as a give-away, or in larger gift boxes as a luxury gift
  • Theme chocolate: chocolate letters, Champagne bottles, trucks, tool kit, ... Andes Chocolatier has numerous shapes available that may suit your business activity. Can't find what you are looking for? Give us a call and we will track down any existing shapes!
  • Customization: if you want a chocolate version of your product, logo, ... Then we provide custom shapes of a logo chocolate, a tablet with relief or a real hollow figure.
  • Antwerpse Handjes: this popular regional product makes a successful corporate gift. Also available with a personalized sleeve or inlay!
  • Seasonal chocolate: chocolate figures or gift packages for Sinterklaas, Easter, ...

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EVENTPLANNER - Kevin Van der Straeten Buy now!

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Activities Andes Chocolatier

Activity regions:
Antwerpen | Vlaams-Brabant [+Brussel] | Oost-Vlaanderen | West-Vlaanderen | Limburg | Waals-Brabant [+Bruxelles] | Belgium
Event Marketing