On the corner of the street or the market square near you ... You have no idea what to expect? Come closer and be surprised by their charm and beauty! Because before you know it, they are next to you or you can hear a strange sound in the distance that attracts your attention. With walking and circle acts we give you a moment full of wonder and endearment in a humorous, poetic and interactive way. We transform the street scene into something unique and ... you will never forget this! From an intense passion, we perform street theater for both young and old. Because the spectators are our target and we like to take them along in a unique moment full of playful circus scenes, bizarre characters, improvisations, ... and unforgettable tragedies. With our acts we toured several international street theater festivals, such as Zagreb (Kr), Paris (Fr), Sévignacq (Fr), Lellingen (Lux), Vienna (O), Parktheaterfestival Diksmuide (B), Beckum (D), Premiere Winter in Antwerp (B), Theater Aan zee (B), Winged city (B), Street brews Eke (B), Kiosk festival Halle (B), Wortegem parties (B), Mijnhapping (B), Menen (B), Westende (B), Zinnekeparade (B), Street mirrors Berchem (B), Laughing festival Houthalen (B), Brussels (B), Beveren (B), Tête a Tête Rastatt (D), Hanover (D), Landshut (D), Bamberg (D), Mugron (Fr), Charleville Mézière (Fr), Linz (O), Street theater Lithuania, Binnenste Buiten (Nl), Woerden (Nl), CAID Wageningen (Nl, Delft (NL), Eersel (Nl), Overijse (Nl), Amersfoort (Nl), North Holland (Nl), Deventer (Nl), Zwolle (Nl), Doesburg (Nl), Den Hout (Nl), Nijmegen (Nl), Utrecht (Nl), ...

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Activities Duo Abbraccio

Activity regions:
Oost-Vlaanderen | Belgium
Animation for Kids | Street Theatre | Animation