Coruna Sound & Light
- Gentsesteenweg 193, 2800 Mechelen, Belgium
What can you contact us for? Everything related to sound and light: a company event, concert, festival, exhibition stand or did you have something else in mind? The fact that our business is centrally located in Mechelen near the E19 and A12 is an advantage for you and us. Within Belgium, our maximum movement is 2 hours, which means that transport costs are limited.
Our working method: We attach great importance to a personal approach and find it essential to know what our customers live and what their needs are. We are therefore happy to discuss a production in advance, after which a no-obligation quotation is made.
Have you provided your own budget? We are working towards this and make a number of proposals. For the implementation of the event, our crew will come on site and you will be assigned a person who will be your point of contact during the event.
Can we help you make it a successful event?
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2 reviews on Coruna Sound & Light
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A partner you can count on
Bruno and his team provided the light and sound for our ' /.nl Get Inspired Network Night'. Everything went smoothly from the preparations to after the event. Coruna thinks along with the customer and ensures that everything is in order down to the smallest details. The material they work with is simply great!
Top partner for all our productions!
Bruno and his team from "Coruna Sound & Light" are truly THE TOP REFERENCE in the field of P.A., Soundsystems, Technology and Lightshow. Thanks to their unconditional knowledge and experience and their top service and top professionalism, we can offer our customers a total show to which they are entitled.
Price / quality very affordable!
The combination with our company really runs smoothly and will yield many top events!
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nlToppartner voor al onze producties!
Bruno en zijn team van "Coruna Sound & Light" zijn werkelijk DE TOPREFERENTIE op het vlak van P.A., Soundsystems, Techniek en Lichtshow. Dankzij hun onvoorwaardelijke kennis en ervaring en hun topservice en op en top professionaliteit, kunnen wij onze klanten een totaalshow bieden waar ze recht op hebben.
Prijs/kwaliteit zeer betaalbaar!
De combinatie met ons bedrijf loopt werkelijk gesmeerd en gaat nog vele top events opleveren!