
  • Mechelsesteenweg 303, 2830 Willebroek, Belgium

If you are overwhelmed by information before, during and after an event that is scattered around over numerous databases and excel sheets, RocMe and its innovative technology partners will help you manage your information flows which is the most important premise to reach your event goals and get a true return and a clear view on your results. RocMe stands for Return on Conferences, Meetings and Events. Rocme offers you flexible service packages scaled to fit your needs by bringing together the latest technology tools, partners and the know-how of an experienced team. RocMe will help you to define your meeting objectives, invite the right people, manage all the content, getting your attendees registered and engage them in the process.

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EVENTPLANNER - Kevin Van der Straeten Buy now!

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Eventregistratie zonder gedoe! Met Momice alles-in-1 software beheer je als event professional eenvoudig zelf je bezoekersregistratie, mailings, uitnodigingen, event website en event enquêtes vanuit 1 gebruiksvriendelijke tool.

Make an event

Make An Event est une plateforme de gestion événementielle tout-en-un, conçue pour simplifier l'organisation de divers événements physiques ou virtuels. Elle centralise de nombreuses fonctionnalités présentées un environnement immersif !

BrainCross Mobile Events bv

Koop of huur uw Roadshow Trailer bij BrainCross Mobile Events. Met een gevarieerd aanbod van gestandaardiseerde tot aan complete maatwerk roadshow trailers.

Sushi Orient

Sushi Orient cathering service

Activities Fielddrive

Activity regions:
Antwerpen | Vlaams-Brabant [+Brussel] | Belgium
Ticketing and Event Registration | Event Management Software


Hubilo Acquires Fielddrive

Hubilo Acquires Fielddrive