DJ D-Lux

DJ D-Lux

DJ D-Lux
  • Engelshofstraat 37, 8830 Hooglede, Belgium

Are you looking for a DJ for your wedding party, birthday, anniversary or company party, ... Do you like a solid rock song, real dance song, dance or disco record or the really bad songs? Then DJ D-Lux is the DJ you are looking for! He provides a professional installation and the appropriate music. He has a wide choice of music and takes care of numerous requests. He could already be seen in many party halls all over Flanders. It is price-quality a winner in the DJ world. For more information request information without obligation.

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Exclusieve party met live sax. Saxit viert het leven en creëert magische herinneringen.

Characteristics DJ D-Lux

Music genre DJ

Wedding party 



Disco / Groove 

Techno / Trance / House 

Activities DJ D-Lux

Activity regions:
West-Vlaanderen | Belgium
DJ - Deejay