Vandersmissen Feestservice

Vandersmissen Feestservice

Vandersmissen Feestservice
  • Gelmelstraat 92/7, 2320 Hoogstraten, Belgium

Vandersmissen Feestservice goes for 'delicious · honest · atmospheric'

It is our philosophy and our motivation. It is our DNA.

Catering chock full of flavor

Our indulgence starts with delicious catering. Our chefs choose the 'good, traditional kitchen'. Artisanal quality, made from fresh ingredients and using authentic techniques. For example, Vandersmissen Feestservice has its own smokehouse for smoking salmon and its own bakery for oven-fresh bread. The tasteful dishes are finely presented and served with a smile.

Event manager: Vandersmissen Feestservice arranges your party from A to Z.

A party or event is more than just food and drink. We organize every wedding, family and company party down to the last detail and are always ready with fresh ideas. Together with you, we put together the music, lighting, decoration, concept and atmosphere so that all senses are catered for, because a good party does not only depend on what is on your plate. Everything has to be right, and that is exactly what we coordinate in great detail.

As honest as gold

At Vandersmissen Feestservice we stand for an honest service. We opt for honest, transparent and open communication so that you know exactly where you stand. Straightforward and no hassle. And so we always have satisfied customers.

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1 review on Vandersmissen Feestservice

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Hanna Verhelst

Delicious, honest, atmospheric party during Dinner-Dance-Experience!

During the all-in party concept of Vandersmissen Feestservice, my colleagues and I had a great time. Reception with aperitif and snacks, a delicious three-course dinner and a hearty dance party afterwards: the recipe for success of Dinner-Dance-Experience. All this in the beautiful party room of Hof ter Smisse.

Speaking of an afterwork party ... this was one to remember. Thank you to the friendly team at Vandersmissen Feestservice.

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EVENTS - Kevin Van der Straeten Buy now!

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Characteristics Vandersmissen Feestservice



Catering type


walking dinner 



chef at home 

Activities Vandersmissen Feestservice

Activity regions:
Antwerpen | Limburg | Oost-Vlaanderen | Vlaams-Brabant [+Brussel] | Belgium
Event Catering