Theatercollectief de Muzen

Theatercollectief de Muzen

Theatercollectief de Muzen
  • Korte Binnenhoek 10, 4005 DB Tiel, Netherlands

The mirror of the imagination

Visual theater de Muzen makes performances with puppets. Usually life-sized character dolls that sometimes get help from smaller dolls and even objects. Played In a large tent, a spacious indoor room or in a small-scale living room.

Visual Theater de Muzen specializes in creating performances for people with a mental disability or elderly people with dementia. These can be small-scale performances in their own living room, but they also have two perception performances for this target group around the theme 'To the Zoo' or 'The four seasons'.

In addition to the specialist performances mentioned, they have performances for street theater festivals or they can build an intriguing temporary exhibition with their puppets that partly also tell a story.

For this purpose they have a large number of characteristic tents such as Moroccan tents or medieval tents that can also be rented separately. These can liven up your event in style, whether or not in combination with puppetry or music.

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Activities Theatercollectief de Muzen

Activity regions:
Gelderland | Netherlands