Feestzaal de oude smederij

- Wilhelminaplein 27c, 5711 EL Someren, Netherlands
Renting a venue affordably in 2025? Read on!
Since 1849 we are located in the center of Someren. Our unique location can be used for parties, company presentations, baby showers, day care and miscellaneous. In addition, there is a cooking studio of approx. 60 m2. When the weather is nice, you can use a private terrace on the south.
Make your own party! You can best compare booking De Oude Smederij with renting a room for your own personal party, with your own caterer, your own drinks. This makes the price very attractive. Inquire without obligation and on time!
The management will show you around. You can find an impression of the hall on the Facebook page of combination center De Vlinder Someren or search for our website.
Hall De Oude Smederij is located in the centre of Someren, at Wilhelminaplein 27c and is part of Ondernemerscentrum De Vlinder. You can reach us most easily via the entrance on Hoornmanstraat (entrance between no. 18 and 20). There is private parking for approx. 8 cars.
Ask about the possibilities and who knows, see you soon!
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2 reviews on Feestzaal de oude smederij
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The Oude Smederij as a meeting place for Maak Wrinkles
Create Wrinkles is a prevention program for elderly adults. De Oude Smederij welcomed Maak Wrinkles with open arms and facilitated that the first Maak Wrinkles meetings could be held in De Oude Smederij in Someren. The Make Wrinkles Positive Health meetings have now been held and will be followed up with the Digital Skills, Vitality and Togetherness meetings. We appreciate the hospitality of De Oude Smederij very much and the large meeting room of De Oude Smederij is a very nice place for the participants to come together and to talk to each other.
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Characteristics Feestzaal de oude smederij
- Wi-Fi
- Number of people
0 - 125
- Accessibility
parking - free
- Surroundings
green space (e.g. a forest)
city (centre)
- Catering venue
bring your own caterer
- Facilities
sound system
Activities Feestzaal de oude smederij
- Activity regions:
- Noord-Brabant | Netherlands
Versatile location for a competitive price!
The Smederij has been repurposed as nostalgic hall accommodation. There were many opportunities to give our own interpretation to our party. Arranging your own catering is still possible here.
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nlVeelzijdige locatie voor een scherpe prijs!
De Smederij is herbestemd als nostalgische zaalaccomodatie. Er waren veel mogelijkheden om onze eigen invulling aan ons feest te geven. Eigen catering regelen is hier wel nog mogelijk.