SC Management srl

SC Management srl

SC Management srl
  • Avenue de la Fontaine des Fièvres 21, 1495 Villers-la-Ville, Belgium

Want to party and offer a wide choice of drinks to your guests? Viva fiesta is coming!

This mobile bar specially run by party enthusiasts, Benoît and Christophe, has something to please all your guests. Wine, cocktail, champagne or Trappist bar, no need to choose, Vivafiesta is there to offer you all these formulas. In addition, the mobile bar can be completely customized according to your desires and the theme of your event! With their motto "By party people for party people", it's the atmosphere guaranteed for your event!

In collaboration with the Brasserie de Chimay, VIVAFIESTA can offer you an exceptional bar with the entire CHIMAY range (in the bottle, on the barrel, etc.) Trappist-style bar guaranteed.

But all beers can be offered.

Not to mention our cocktail menu with 20 different recipes

Choose Vivafiesta for a more than successful fiesta!

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EVENTPLANNER - Kevin Van der Straeten Buy now!

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Activities SC Management srl

Activity regions:
Belgium | Bruxelles-Capitale | Henegouwen | Luik | Luxemburg | Namen
Wine and beverages | Cocktail Catering