Balboa Park

  • 1549 El Prado, San Diego, CA 92101, USA

The majestic beauty of Balboa Park offers a lovely setting for destination weddings, corporate functions, and other events. There are countless venues, inside and outdoors, for unique gatherings of all sizes. These will be completely transformed to your liking when booking an event in Balboa Park. It's one of the most popular locations in Southern California for weddings, holiday parties, and other events. Find picturesque terraces, lush garden settings, and elegant ballrooms that can accommodate groups of various sizes. The Balboa Park cultural organizations schedule most events individually, and each organization governs the usage of its own buildings. Each museum has its own experienced Special Events Manager available for consultation whenever you like!

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Activities Balboa Park

Activity regions:
USA | California
Banquet hall rental in San Diego | Banquet hall rental | Theme Parks | Concert Hall | Event Venues Rental in San Diego | Event Venues Rental | Wedding Venues in San Diego | Wedding Venues
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