Gusta brings original children's theater for toddlers and primary school. We always perform our performances in the school itself, so you no longer have to worry about transport.

In good weather we prefer to play in the open air on the playground, but in rainy weather our school theater can also safely take place indoors. We have themed performances for pupils from 2 to 12 years old.

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1 review on Kindertheater GUSTA

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Jens Dierick

performance: it's not too late

They say it is a performance for the entire age group from toddler to 6th grade. In reality it turns out that the performer has little experience with toddlers and young preschoolers. You can clearly see that the actor is very annoyed about the behavior of the children, you notice this annoyance during the performance. There is even a certain arrogance. This is partly because a lot of explanation is given and not much visual support is added. This is good for the 1st and 2nd grade but not for the younger ages. This performance only lasts 40 minutes and there were only a few captivating moments (1 trick is even repeated 3 times). Interaction with the audience is sought, but when the children do interact they are repeatedly asked to remain quiet. I think it is better to make a choice here than to make a choice. The children even have to laugh in their minds at the magic tricks, you cannot demand this from younger children. In terms of structure and vision there is still a lot of work to be done before you can ask such an amount for schools. For the third grade, this presentation is much too simplistic. Culture and environmental awareness can certainly go hand in hand, but do this with a solid vision and a heart for children. This way, no one benefits.

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Activities Kindertheater GUSTA

Activity regions:
Antwerpen | Belgium
Animation | Illusionist | Jugglers | Animation for Kids